What a journey! I arrived home from Bogota this morning. It was an all night flight and I did not sleep much on the plane - I am still reeling from what I saw and experienced in Colombia.
Even though I started this journey to Colombia knowing only Him, I trusted him to protect and guide me. He has been a faithful companion and has helped me to connect with so many others. He was with us every step of the way and continues to be there for each of us if we ask Him.
Over the past 10 days, we have seen the power of prayer over and over - from asking God to provide enough paint to finish painting a ceiling (we prayed and managed to find enough to complete the task), to asking for His protection on the missions trips - He has provided. He could not have sent any better protectors (policio) for protection during our trips!
I have met so many good people in Colombia and feel truly blessed to serve Children's Vision. Planning has already begun to gather the first official Canadian team from Saskatoon to head to CV in Bogota early next year. If you would are interested in serving, send me a message or email reynoldscarole@yahoo.ca . We would like to have at least 10-15 to serve in whatever capacity is needed (cooking, pastoral care, children's ministry, construction - we can use whatever gifts God has given you!). "As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4:10
I'll be posting more photos from this journey over the next few days and will share my revelations of how God has worked in me personally to shape me - we are all works in progress and with the God as the potter, we know the results will be spectacular!
Blessings and thanks to all again who donated shoes and prayed for me, the
Northern Ireland team and everyone at Children's Vision - we certainly could not
have accomplised so much without your help, God's faithfulness and grace! All
glory goes to Him!
- Carol
"We, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one
another." Romans 12:5
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