Monday, August 9, 2010

We achieved so much today! Much painting was completed and carpet laid in the children's rooms. We oversaw another kids club session and had so much fun. We also sorted shoes and clothes for the 2-day mountain mission we leave for tomorrow.
Many Colombian families have been displaced from their mountain homes by gurilla (sp?)soldiers and some have had their homes washed away by the recent rains. Our team will travel 6 hours to 2 remote sites over the next two days to provide food and clothing for these families. I expect it will be a time of testing and opportunity.

God continues to mold and work here - I see it in the children's eyes and hear it when 6-yr olds pray aloud for our team. These little people have much hope and it's a blessing to serve them.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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