Thursday, August 5, 2010

new clothes day with Valentina.jpg

These kids continue to amaze me! The excitement on their faces today when we took them "shopping" for new clothes (donations) was so inspiring. We laid out literally thousands of pieces of children's clothing and then gave each child their own shopping bag to fill with everything - including shoes. I have more photos of children who received our shoes from Canada and will post them when I get home. It was so great to shop with the children and what amazed me the most was that they were so easy to please and did not get disappointed when the item they wanted didn't come "in their size".

We led a kids club class today and was overwhelmed (literally!) with the children...I had at least 3 crawling on me or sitting on my lap throughout! They crave love so much and thank goodness hugs are universal! God is at work here indeed and I am so blessed to be helping out.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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